Joint Pastoral Council Meeting St James’s and St Columba’s 18 October 2021 (By Zoom)
Present –Father John, Marie-Jo Brown, Margaret Morrison, George Smith, Mary McCulloch, Geraldine Shiels, Michael Rooney, Kevin Miliken, , Carol Sailsbury, Patricia Sweeney, Máire Dobbin, Eileen Blake, John Beacham, Gerry Higgins, Kathleen Power, Chiya Steytler, Siobhan Lamond, Margaret McMahon
Apologies- Evelyn Coyle, Yvonne Sinton, Josie Beacham, Harry Tunstead
- Opening Prayer
- Minutes approved by GS, Seconded by PS.
- Liturgy – there was some discussion around various points.
A decision was taken to reintroduce paper copies of the Bulletin – to be handed out at the end of mass, Stewards to wear gloves to distribute.
Discussion around the reintroduction of Altar Servers and how this could be achieved safely, social distancing is possible in St Columba’s, some consideration to be given as to where the Altar server could sit and get changed in St James’.
KM – agreed to assist in St Columba’s at Sunday Morning Mass
KP – to speak to Father John about safeguarding in St Columba’s
The use of Incense and Holy Water to be reintroduced at funerals and SVDP to be in attendance for reception of remains at Church and rosary.
Live music to be reintroduced in St Columba’s on a blended basis, reintroducing it slowly.Consideration to be given as to how this can be achieved in St James’.
Distribution of the Blessed Sacrament to take place in seats if possible (dependent on numbers and where congregation are seated).
- November Mass
St Columba’s – Thursday 4th November
St James’ – Friday 12th November
EB will arrange music for St Columba’s, Paul has already agreed to arrange music for St James’. Letters will be sent out inviting families to attend the November Mass.
- Christmas
There will be two Vigil Masses in each parish, two morning Masses in St James and one in St Columba’s. Music for all masses needs some consideration. MJB to speak to Susan about Christmas Cards.
- Coffee Mornings
have been reintroduced in St Columba’s, they have been once a month and numbers have been quiet low so far. Consideration to given to how this can be achieved in St James’ coming into the winter.
- Synod
A representative from each parish is needed to go along to a Diocesan Meeting in November – volunteers to speak to Father John
Father John asked that a standing item be added to the agenda going forward – What is our vision for the future? What are our priorities?
There was discussion around the safe use of Social Media, a sub group made up by KP, GH, CS, KM & M McMahon to meet and consider options.
M McCulloch advised the group that the board outside the Church needs to be updated, Father John to arrange for signs at both churches to be updated.
- Date of Next Meeting: 15 November 2021 @ 7.30pm
- Closing Prayer